An Inexplicable Hunger - flutist)body(flute (dis)encounters
PhD dissertation (2019) - PDF
- Cyrino, Marina. ‘Is she? An aerolastic flutter, which weeps weeps the witch, or that’s a likely story.’ In Artistic Research Does #6. Catarina Almeida and André Alves (eds.) Porto: Universidade do Porto. 2019. ISBN / ISSN 978-989-54417-7-8
- Cyrino, Marina. An Inexplicable Hunger – flutist)body(flute (dis)encounters. Göteborg: ArtMonitor dissertation. 2019. ISBN:978-91-7833-213-7 (printed version) ISBN: 978-91-7833-214-4 (digital version). The dissertation contains a ten sound/video essays available at the university´s database GUPEA; http://hdl.handle.net/2077/59147
- Cyrino, Marina ‘Is she? Or, a little detour, dragged by the ear’ . Brazlian Jornal of Presence Studies [online]. vol.9, n.4, e85379. Epub Sep 09, 2019. ISSN 2237-2660. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/2237-266085378.
- Cyrino, Marina; Koole, Matthias . Um Barulhinho no Sistema. In: Territórios De Invenção: à escuta. Org. Lúcia Campos. Belo Horizonte: Fundação de Educação Artística. 2019.
- Cyrino, Marina. Uma fome Inexplicável. In Música, transversalidade. Felipe Amorim and José Antônio Baêta Zille (eds.) Belo Horizonte: EdUEMG. 2017.
- Cyrino, Marina. The Vocal Flute: Creative Uses of the Flutist's Voice in a Collaborative Context. Master Dissertation. Luleå: Luleå University of Technology. 2013.